• Anti-smog drone: a drone equipped with specialized sensors to monitor air quality
air in different parts of the municipality, collecting data on the concentration of harmful substances.
• Mobile Application: Allows residents to monitor air quality in real time
real time, and provides tips and recommendations for behavior under conditions of
high pollution.
• Sales of the mobile app and anti-smog drone to local government units.
local governments.
• A comprehensive solution combining a drone with a dedicated mobile app,
configured to make optimal use of the drone's capabilities.
1. Compatibility of the Drone with the App: Tight integration of the drone with the mobile app,
ensuring seamless operation of both components.
2. Ease of Use: Intuitive interface and simple app setup process.
3. Accessibility for Municipality Residents: Promoting the solution in local media,
Organizing presentations and workshops.
4. Product Created by Children: A project created by students, promoting social and environmental values.
social and environmental values.
5. Building Entrepreneurial and Innovative Competence: Organizing
Workshops, trainings and competitions.
6. Promotion on Social Media: Active promotion on social media platforms.
• Local Government Units: Direct contact, organization of meetings and presentations.
• Residents of the Municipality: Promotion through local media, brochures and social media.
1. Product Design Stage: Presentation in front of municipal authorities.
2. Finished Product: Sales and implementation of the comprehensive solution.
3. Wider Scale Sales: Use of references to promote the product and
attract new customers.
• Uniqueness: Lack of other companies offering a combination of drone and mobile application in one
comprehensive solution.
• Implementation of the Project by Students: Standing out in the scientific community and
local community.
• Advertising campaigns: Facebook, Instagram, school website.
• Promotion by state institutions: cooperation with municipal and county.
• Promotion by local businesses: Cooperation with local businesses.
•Monthly newsletter: Information on news and updates of the application.
• Benefits for companies: Positive image, improved quality of life in the local community,
Sustainable development of the region.
Potential partners
• Local municipalities, small and medium-sized businesses, schools and educational institutions
educational institutions, NGOs, residents of the municipality.
Uniqueness of the project
• A small number of similar projects: The Eco Guard project is the only such
project in the area, distinguished by the involvement of young people in activities
for environmental protection.
• Systematic training: Regular courses and workshops.
• Cooperation with experts: Mentors and specialists.
• Practical experience: Implementation of real projects.
• Continuous improvement: Updating processes and technologies.
@EcoGuard - 2024-2025
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